Dr dating patient
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※ Julia1983 ♥ Profile
But how far does the taboo extend? Please advise, Hollie Expert Reply Dear Hollie, Flirting is such a powerful way to connect with people. As doctors are intelligent and often passionate about their work, dating a doctor can be a wonderful experience.
Suppose a state medical board seeks to discipline a physician for having an affair with a patient, but both the patient and the physician insist that the patient consented to the relationship. This is because we all feel good about ourselves when someone shares our point of view, values or interests. In reducing a practice size, physicians must not selectively or disproportionately discharge difficult or complex patients.
Green light for doctors to date former patients so long as they use their 'professional judgement' to decide if it is appropriate - Where a physician provides an evaluation of a patient for the benefit of a third party, or as a professional courtesy for a colleague, a patient-physician relationship is typically not established. Physicians must always use their own professional judgment, in keeping with this policy, to determine whether discontinuing the relationship is appropriate.
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